Here the Javascript code available to be inserted in your web page to implement a footer.Please check the context of implementation for each of the functions.
/** * SQJS.createFooter * * create the tag DIV for the footer * * Context: * - Call it in the body of your webpage * * @param {string} html, the html to insert as footer * @param {string} BG, the background of the footer * @param {string} align, the banner horizontal alignment [left|middle|right] * @param {string} display, the banner display [fixed|relative|none] * @returns {string} the id of the footer DIV element * * This function is part of SqueeJS. */ function SQJS.createFooter(html, BG, align, display){};
Usage example:
<script> var myNewFooter = SQJS.createFooter("<b>Some rights reserved.</b>","lightgray","right","relative"); </script>